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A free, multilingual, and open space to share religious
resources. Enter
Red Crearte
La Red Crearte es un espacio abierto y participativo en que cristianos latinoamericanos comparten recursos y reflexionan sobre la liturgia Enter
ELCA Shared Resources
Welcome to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America shared resources group at Resources on this site have been created by individuals and congregations for your use. Most resources are available in a word processor file that can be edited, and as an Adobe Acrobat file that is ideal for printing. Freely sharing locally produced materials is practicing a 'Stewardship of Ideas.' Use these ideas, modify them for your purposes as allowed, share them with others, and in turn share some of your best ideas by uploading them here. Thanks for browsing and contributing.

While you are in the ELCA portion of Feautor, click the little people icon to the left to see more information about this group, tips for using the site, and instructions on how to contribute resources you have created. View a short video clip on how to contribute a resource: Here's one with general tips on using this site: Enter
Centro Afroecuatoriano
El Centro Cultural Afroecuatoriano contribuye al fortalecimiento de las comunidades afroecuatorianas, de su identidad y cultura, valoriza su aporte histórico, apoya sus luchas para que se reconozcan sus derechos a fin de promover su participación plena en la sociedad, colaborando por el enaltecimiento de los valores del pueblo ecuatoriano multiétnico y pluricultural. Enter
The Religious Education Association is an Association of Professors, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education Enter
Feautor is no longer being maintained.
This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.